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Skyhawks Security
Spectrum ID: SKYSEC
Skyhawks Security
Spectrum ID: SKYSEC
Category Security
SKYSEC Operations Update: Major Seizure of Illegal Narcotics in Stanton System
Skyhawks Security (SKYSEC) has successfully conducted a series of strategic raids against key illegal narcotic manufacturing facilities. This week-long operation, led by our own Security Corps, resulted in the seizure of narcotics valued at over $39 million aUEC, predominantly consisting of the illicit drug MAZE.
Acquisition of State-of-the-Art Idris-P Frigate to Bolster Fleet Security Operations
The acquisition of the Idris-P is part of Skyhawks Security's strategic growth plan, aimed at continually adapting to the evolving security landscape of the Star Citizen universe. "This is just the beginning," added Watch Commander Jenko. "We are already exploring further investments in technology and personnel training to ensure that Skyhawks Security remains at the forefront of private security services."
Skyhawks Security Assists UEE Civilian Defence Force in Major Jumptown Drug Bust
Dubbed Operation "Clean Slate," the mission aimed to dismantle the illegal drug manufacturing operations at Jumptown, a facility long suspected of being a hub for MAZE production and distribution. Skyhawks Security's Security Corps provided critical support in the form of reconnaissance, threat assessment, and tactical expertise.
Skyhawks Security Acquires Fleet of RSI Scorpius Fighters to Bolster Security Operations
The acquisition comes as part of a strategic partnership with Roberts Space Industries (RSI), the manufacturer of the Scorpius. This collaboration not only involves the procurement of the fighters but also includes specialized training programs for our pilots and maintenance crews.